this is our story...


... me, Tucker, Corinn, and Kiley left on Thursday morning to go visit our best friend Lauren!

Our flight flew out of Dallas at 6:30 am and landed in Arizona at 7:30am (since the 2 hour difference). We got off the plane, grabbed our luggage and hopped on a cab. Everything went so smoothly. We had the cab take us to Scottsdale Culinary Institute where Lauren is taken pastry classes. Lauren came down and got us and we went up stairs into her class room. Culinary school looks like sooo much fun! Everyone was working so hard. We grabbed Lauren's car and attempted to make it to Lauren's apartment without getting lost. With me driving and Tucker giving directions we made it!
We walked in and saw this on the table...isn't she the sweetest!!

We unpacked our bags and had just enough time to relax before it was time to go pick Lauren up from school. We drove up and in her hand was a yummy cake that she had made in class, it was delish :)

We were all hungry so went to the famous IN and OUT Burger.
We each had to take a picture with our IN and OUT Burger.. and here is mine

More to come...

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