this is our story...

Drive in Movie!!!!


has been so much fun! On Friday we went to a little place in the mountains called, Goldfield. We stopped in the Saloon and had lunch and then did some sight seeing.

That night we went out on the town and had a nice dinner at a place called Uno's, which was very yummy.
On Saturday we woke up early and headed out to float the Salt River.

after the river everyone went to Barros, a pizza place, and had dinner.
Our next adventure on Sunday was to go get the girls tattoos!! crrraazzzyyy giiirrrlllss

we then went to a place called Yard House. They are known for the huge selection of beers that they have.

my yummy food, even though it doesn't look very good in the pictures

What a fun trip we have had. I have had such a great time. I do not want to leave. We have two days left so we will have to make the most of it! As for tonight, drive in movie and then in the morning laying out by the pool!!!

"As You Wish" a little pottery painting place in Scottsdale Arizona.
You walk into this shop and straight away you go and pick your piece of pottery that you want to paint. There is a whole wall dedicated to all of the different things that you can paint. There is anything from pictures frames to huge canisters. I spent a while trying to figure out what I was going to do and finally decided to make Mr. Diesel and dog bowl. So cute!!! Of course I needed some ideas on how to decorate so I googled online and found the cutest dog bowl that I was going to try and imitate.
This is the one off line....

And this is mine...

We will just have to wait and see how well it turns out!! I am excited to see the end result. But we have to wait until Sunday at 4 because there is a long line of pottery that they have to fire.
Here is a picture of all of us girls!


... me, Tucker, Corinn, and Kiley left on Thursday morning to go visit our best friend Lauren!

Our flight flew out of Dallas at 6:30 am and landed in Arizona at 7:30am (since the 2 hour difference). We got off the plane, grabbed our luggage and hopped on a cab. Everything went so smoothly. We had the cab take us to Scottsdale Culinary Institute where Lauren is taken pastry classes. Lauren came down and got us and we went up stairs into her class room. Culinary school looks like sooo much fun! Everyone was working so hard. We grabbed Lauren's car and attempted to make it to Lauren's apartment without getting lost. With me driving and Tucker giving directions we made it!
We walked in and saw this on the table...isn't she the sweetest!!

We unpacked our bags and had just enough time to relax before it was time to go pick Lauren up from school. We drove up and in her hand was a yummy cake that she had made in class, it was delish :)

We were all hungry so went to the famous IN and OUT Burger.
We each had to take a picture with our IN and OUT Burger.. and here is mine

More to come...

My Sweet Sweet Little Boy..

(as a baby)

This is the sweetest little boy that you will ever meet. Yes he demands a lot of your attention but that just means that he is spoiled :) He always makes me laugh at all the funny little things that he does. One more picture of my sweet boy waiting for mommy to give him his treat...

Birthday Time

Saturday was my birthday and I had such a good time. My birthday started on Tuesday when Brady gave me my birthday present because he was so excited he could not keep it from me. He bought me Mav tickets (remember I love going to games)!! Which was a blast!! Then on Thursday we went & had dinner with my dad and his crew. Saturday I slept in and then went to another lunch with my mom. I love the day of your birthday because you get treated so special! :)
That night all my wonderful friends came to Don Joses where we started the night!

We then headed to the Neon Spur to watch Casey Donahew, It was such a great night! I would not have wanted to spend it any other way.
This coming weekend is my friend Julie's Birthday!!! So look for pictures and a post!

Does Anyone Know What Today IS????

the official start of my summer!! woo hoo time to celebrate
I have so much planned for my very short summer (ending June 1st for summer school).
The most exciting adventure I will be taking is a trip with the girls to see Lauren, Lauren is my best friend, almost family, that moved off to Scottsdale Arizona to pursue being a pastry chief. I know, I know I am jealous too!
What comes in pretty close in line to going to AZ is that I am closing on my house. The date is May 20Th!! I can not wait to get in and start decorating.

Well I am off to relax:) I hope everyone has a good week and good luck on finals!!!

Ranger Game

Last Sunday we drove down to to Arlington to spend the day at the Texas Rangers Stadium! It was such a perfect day to go to a game, not to hot and not to cold, perfect! I do not know much about baseball, but I do like going to watch. I always pick out one player and that is "my guy". So this is My Guy...
Josh Hamilton

& no it has nothing to do with the fact that he is pretty cute haha

I know I am late...

but this is how I spent my Spring Break
with my sweet best friend Melissa

we went down to Plano to spend the day with her roomie and then all of us went to the Stars Game. Oh how I love to go to the Stars Game. It is always so much fun and very entertaining to watch!!

her parents were so sweet to buy us these AMAZING seats...

The Stars of course won :), so we had to go celebrate! We walked down to the House of Blues and had some dessert. That next morning we heading to the lake and spent the next two days there. I had such a blast! Nothing better than spending your vacation with a really good friend. Love you Mel